In Girum... is a bimonthly instant composition programme hosted in Dock 11, Berlin, and curated by the performance company Real Dance Super Sentai (directed by Ines Birkhan & Bertram Dhellemmes).
For 2008, In Girum... proposes a new programme: we invite the guest artists to react to our title - In Girum... standing for in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (we wander in circle in the night and are consumed by fire). An enigma, a palindrome (thus related to combinatorial arts as developed by OULIPO), the title of a situationist movie, also a romantic evocation of the artistic process, this input offers a wide exploration field to dancers ands musicians.
Instant Composition is a specific conception of improvisation - the term was first coined by jazz musicians in the 1950s to emphasize the compositional dimension of their improvisation work. Dancers are now using this expression to state that improvising is no less a choreographic process than writing.
call for performers
We are currently programming the next issues of In Girum... We are calling for dancers and musicicans interested in participating in this programme - please contact us at